
Website Support and Maintenance

Does your website look great but constantly give your visitors technical trouble? From slow loading speeds to server errors, broken links, or images not rendering, common website hiccups are a surefire way to drive your customers straight into the arms of your competition. As a US-based software development company, Spiral Scout provides custom website maintenance and support services to companies around San Francisco, CA, and the US. Our software specialists and DevOps team are dedicated to ensuring your online business and software run smoothly and have 100% uptime. As your partner, our web development company provides you with a custom website maintenance plan that helps your business deliver a secure, fast, and seamless online presence.

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Some of our work

At Spiral Scout, we know maintenance needs vary greatly from one web application to the next, and what might be a small security patch for one company could be a much larger legacy code refactorization for another. Any project we build for a client is guaranteed quality and performance. 

Enabling fast payments with an online scan-and-go platform
Building the world’s largest library of eLearning assets
Attracting enterprise clients and saving $100k+ each year
Empowering students and landing multi-million dollar deals
Temporal Development
Inturn (now Vue.ai)
Converting a Legacy PHP Monolithic Application to Microservices Using Golang and Temporal
mobile healthcare app development
Found App
React Native App Development For Found - Weight Loss Program
CPQ engine Temporal
Developing a CPQ tool as a stand-alone solution using Temporal


2023, 2024
Top e-commerce developers
2023, 2024
Top golang developers

Quick facts

  • 48

    Current number of applications we are monitoring

  • 84

    Total minutes of downtime for all websites in 2023

  • 1,405k+

    Total hours spent monitoring clients websites

  • 99.98%

    Uptime of websites we monitor

Clients trust us

Based on the best plan for you, our website support services will provide you with thorough system administration, monitoring, and reporting, as well as a timely resolution of any issues found.

/ we've built solutions for


  • Fixing incidents quickly reduces the impact such issues have on the system’s performance and our client’s business. However, when providing custom support and maintenance services, our main priority is taking proactive measures first around administering and monitoring the system, as this helps prevent incidents from happening in the first place.
    Anton “JD” Titov CTO of Spiral Scout

Website Maintenance & Support Services

When an issue with your website is identified, you can count on Spiral Scout to respond and fix it quickly. As a website maintenance and support company, Spiral Scout’s vast expertise in helping businesses manage legacy and older websites means you get website support that goes beyond simply patching up bad code.

You get comprehensive website maintenance service coverage that improves your website's user experience and addresses a range of issues, including visual presentation problems (layout and markup), interactivity bugs (JavaScript), logical and computational problems (JavaScript and backend code), data errors or connectivity issues (database administration), and issues arising from the differences between web browsers (cross-browser compatibility and new versions compatibility).

Any incident that impacts your web application's underlying infrastructure requires a swift and tactical response to mitigate risk and get your site back online and operating normally again. If and when something goes wrong on your website (i.e., a server outage, file storage failure, or DNS error), you can rely on a responsive and experienced partner like Spiral Scout to answer your call right away, start assembling a strategy to fix the problem, and keep communication lines open.

Our highly qualified and skilled experts will create a unique and extensive web maintenance plan that ensures your business gets a fast, secure, and seamless online experience. Spiral Scout's team of website support specialists’ incident response and web support practices may include but are not limited to, system administration, database administration, 3rd-party service administration, data recovery, and forensic analysis.

In the case of a data loss event, recovering vital data and getting your website back online as fast as possible all comes down to having extensive and accessible backups. Similarly, security patches and routine plugin updates can lower the risk and impact of security breaches. In addition to these measures, Spiral Scout support specialists will set up and use proactive monitoring tools like ping watchdogs, system health indicators, and log reviews that help spot problems as soon as they arise and automatically notify the incident response team that a fix is needed urgently.

These tactics will increase your system’s resilience, reducing the impact incidents may have on your web application’s performance and overall downtime.

Proactive quality assurance reviews equip Spiral Scout web developers with the oversight they need to catch potential software bugs, performance, and problems arising from third-party software upgrades before they become emergencies and affect your bottom line.

End-to-end reviews also open the door to discovering opportunities for improving the overall user experience of your website and planning future upgrades. Spiral Scout’s website support team will highlight key findings from quality reviews in easy-to-read reports for you, as well as make actionable recommendations and estimate timelines for addressing those improvements.

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The average website maintenance cost (no new feature development) is around $300 – $3000/month.

Some of the most common website maintenance services include:

  1. Regularly updating the website.
  2. Monitoring servers and development environments
  3. Security checks
  4. Running backups.
  5. Checking for 404 errors and server redirects.
  6. Removing spam comments.
  7. Updating the content.
  8. Testing page speeds.
  9. Checking any opt-in forms

Software maintenance consists of a series of procedures to improve the functioning of a software app after it has been launched. It can be performed for many reasons — from fixing bugs to making tweaks so that the software aligns with your company's objectives and customers' needs. Businesses also schedule maintenance to improve software performance and ensure that it's up-to-date. Unlike maintenance, the scope of support service is limited to fixing small and major bugs in the software. The role of a software support service provider is to scan the system, identify the problems, and offer the most reliable solution.

Web Maintenance Package includes:

  1. Security updates and fixes.
  2. Web performance monitoring and optimization (especially speed issues).
  3. Updates to web content (including SEO, CTAs and broken links).
  4. Server maintenance.
  5. User experience optimization (on-page UX, accessibility, etc.)

Regularly updating and maintaining your site is crucial to ensuring that your site is running at full capacity. Just like cars, websites require maintenance to operate properly. Properly maintaining your site helps to ensure site security, increase the number of new visitors, boost returning traffic, and more.


Our website maintenance specialists are skilled at quickly familiarizing themselves with new code, clearly documenting issues and vulnerabilities that require immediate attention, and finding the most cost-effective ways to fix them, whether that’s modernizing site architecture or refactoring old legacy code.


At Spiral Scout, we know maintenance needs vary greatly from one web application to the next, and what might be a small security patch for one company could be a much larger legacy code refactorization for another. Our different levels of technical support and website maintenance plans each represent a specific combination of skills, (hu)man-hours, and tools.